MIL-T-9047 is a classic titanium specification covering aircraft quality Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bars (Rolled or Forged) and Reforging Stock. It was cancelled in 2005 but it is so ingrained in the titanium industry, it seems it will never truly go away. This specification tends to be confusing to users, because it covers so many different types of titanium and different conditions. Rather than calling out an alloy, an old drawing may call out just a Type or a Composition. We hope the following table will aid you in procuring the right type of titanium for your requirements.
The above table appears in the back of MIL-T-9047G (available for free download at, but we like our version better. If you agree, you are welcome to email us at and we will gladly share a copy.
Specification MIL-T-9047 was cancelled in February 2005. The last active revision was “G”. In the cancellation notice, future acquisition was directed to SAE AMS-T-9047, which is also now cancelled. If your contract requires use of the superseding specification, refer to this discussion for help.
Since the MIL-T-9047 specification has been used for decades, often times a drawing will call out an old Composition such as MIL-T-9047 Comp 6. Using the table above, we can determine that Comp. 6 is related to the alloy 6Al-4V, and the drawing is pulling from an older revision of the specification, either Revision D or F. It is unusual to procure material whose certifications will still use these older revisions, types and compositions. The certs will most likely display this alloy as 6AL-4V, MIL-T-9047G (the most recent revision of the cancelled specification). Check with your Sales Rep if you have questions or reach us at